This blog is meant to be a record of a self imposed challenge to turn the dial past auto and learn more about photography. The idea is to take photographs everyday (with a gradual increase in the use of manual settings) and post seven photos a week for 52 weeks. I welcome questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism. Challenges are easier to face with company, so please join me! Leave a comment with a link to where you will share your progress and grab my button for your blog!

Week 11- Shutter Speed~ Fast

22mm 1/10 1/60s ISO 200
55mm f/5.6 1/400 ISO 200
55mm f/11 1/160s ISO 200
48mm f/13 1/250s ISO 400
50mm f/8 1/640s ISO 200
38mm f/13 1/ 320s ISO 200
55mm f/5.6 1/640s ISO 200
A fast shutter speed will freeze the action, the faster the shutter speed the less blurred motion there is. But it also means the less amount of time light gets in, so be careful or you'll end up with darker photos. I haven't perfected this delicate balance quite yet, but in time I hope that making adjustments becomes second nature!


SnapScrapRepeat said...

way to go - now show me some blur...

Nichole said...

I did!! I posted that right before this!

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